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As Singapore is practicing a circuit breaker period from 7 April until 4 May 2020 (inclusive), heightened safe-distancing measures shall be implemented to pre-empt escalating infections of COVID-19. Significantly reducing movements and interactions in construction workplaces can function as a circuit breaker and allow us to bring the infection numbers down.
The number of cases has recently exploded among foreign workers in few dormitories. Worker dormitories housing of high density of workers where on room may up to 16 pax. To control and contain the virus spread is never an easy task.
At this moment, how can construction companies under essential services eg shipyards, petrochemical, landscaping, facilities management firms to take safety precautions during the circuit breaker period? I guess the tips not only for employers but for employees/workers as well.
While this applies mainly to construction office workers, the ability to limit exposure where possible is the best move. While construction workers on-site are not able to work from home. The employer shall ensure worker on-site wearing their mask and keep a safe distance all the time.
Company Management shall look over project plans and limit the number of workers on-site where possible.
The social distancing of 1 meter wherever is possibly applied to reduce the amount of physical interaction between people to help slow the spread of the disease. It’s not about stopping the work progress but the reality is that COVID-19 will not disappear soon. Instead, it is about reducing how many workers get infected all at once to reduce the pressure on health care systems.
Businesses that have storefronts or interact with customers on a daily basis should consider closing down and limiting customer interactions. Leaning on e-commerce equipment solutions for things like renting or purchasing construction equipment would help to keep things moving while embracing social distancing.
In workplaces where exposure to COVID-19 may occur, prompt identification and isolation of potentially infectious individuals is a critical first step in protecting workers, visitors, and others at the worksite and inform respective authorities immediately.
Wherever feasible, immediately isolate individuals suspected of having COVID-19 in dormitories. For example, move potentially infectious individuals to isolation rooms wherever applicable. In other work sites, move potentially infectious individuals to a location away from workers, customers, and other visitors and with a closed door, if possible.
One of the most important messages around COVID-19 is that symptoms can be mild. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms at all should stay home if they’re sick. Anyone who is sick at all should stay home. Never compromise.
Companies that are able to consider paid sick leave and communicate to employees that job security will not be an issue at this time. This should not only include construction workers on-site but all administrative and office staff as well.
Running water and sanitation on-site has been the topic of conversation for years. It is encouraged by hand washing with soaps and sanitation to limit the spread of COVID-19. It’s important for companies to provide contractors and operators with the means to keep themselves safe.
A few ways to do this are:
Morning meetings and standups can be a great way to ensure that everyone is clear about their role for the day and what is happening on site. Reducing group gatherings and meetings, however, is a key part of social distancing.
Get creative in your communication via Microsoft Team, Skype, Zoom meeting in order to keep employees both safe and informed. Company emails, video group meetings, or a phone call to kick off the day are a few ways to reduce meetings without compromising communication.
The time has already halted many on-going during this Circuit Breaker period. Many projects may already be thwarted by the inability to get materials and equipment, have inspections completed, or getting permits. It is important to follow the up-to-date news from appropriate channels and put the safety and health of employees as priorities.
It falls to every employee to do his part during the COVID-19 situation. Construction sites during COVID-19 need to take precautions to keep employees safe.
These are just a few suggestions for how you can keep construction sites and employees safe and healthy during this Circuit Breaker period.
Reference is made from :
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